Life is full of beauty and chaos; captured best by visual art. My primary sources of inspiration as a mixed media artist are nature, life events, and loved ones.

In my work, I highlight the vast beauty of our universe, including that found within the wild turns of human life. I aim to inspire a sense of gratitude for the world we live in and the lives we lead.

A variety of mediums provide me with the opportunity to create unique pieces while expressing myself. Iā€™m often covered in paint, clay, or glue due to the constant construction of projects. As a child, I spent most of my free time making gifts, illustrating my emotions, and building objects from my dreams.

Now as a childcare provider, I find immense joy in learning new artistic skills I can use to advance my work and the work of the children I care for. Among my goals are teaching studio arts to children and constructing art installations. By empowering children with artistic skills, I hope they will be able to express themselves and explore the world around them.

My creative passion revolves around transforming plain spaces into wonderous coves through installation art, using primarily recycled materials. Our chaotic lives contain a lot of beauty that can be captured through creating new wonders, especially from the old.